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Learn and adopt cutting-edge Single-molecule and super-resolution imaging
technologies to address biomedical research problems

A beautiful advance fluorescent confocal microscope with multiple  single molecule super r

About us


The DBT-SAHAJ National Facility for Single-Molecule and Super-Resolution Imaging at IIT Hyderabad provides access and training to the cutting-edge technologies such as

  •  Single-molecule tracking in live cells to quantify protein dynamics and target-search mechanism,

  •  Single-molecule FRET for quantifying protein conformational dynamics,

  •  Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM)/Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)/Stochastic Optical   Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)/DNA PAINT,

  •  Single-molecule FISH for quantifying transcription dynamics,

  •  6D imaging (x, y, z, t, multi channel, multi position) of live-cells,

  •  Total Internal Reflection (TIRF) and Highly Inclined and Laminated Optical Sheet (HILO) illumination microscopy,

  •  Modern image processing software packages for 3D reconstruction and rendering, virtual reality based image segmentation and   visualization, 3D deconvolution, particle tracking etc.

  •  Workshops and training for these cutting-edge technologies.


This facility is open for any internal and external users of IIT Hyderabad on a payment basis. We provide services from cell culture to sample preparation, imaging, data analysis and visualization. If  you are interested in adopting any of these technologies for your research, please send us an inquiry at

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